OTTAWA — A Republican voter undecided on who to support in the primaries posed the question inside a cramped side room of Well Grounded Cafe on Thursday.

Republican candidate J.D. Vance was asked “what does success look like to you?” and he knocked it out of the park as far as the 20-25 stuffed inside were concerned. Vance hit on what was one of the linchpins to Donald Trump’s first go-around campaigning for president — immigration.

“I’d really like to solve the immigration problem. This is crazy, 200,000 undocumented illegals coming into the country, bringing drugs and a lot of sex trafficking victims with them. We’ve got to solve the illegal immigration crisis in this country.”

The answer energized the crowd in Ottawa during Vance’s hour-long stop on the campaign trail that clearly won over some supporters for the rookie politician.

The author, attorney and venture capitalist launched the 14 cities in six days “No BS Townhall Tour” on Thursday morning with…

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