Q: Who’s responsible for picking up roadkill? One thing I heard is that some guy found a deer in his yard with an arrow in it, and even though he did not shoot it, he was responsible for disposing of it. Which begs the question, can you call someone to dispose of it?

A: Just a disclaimer here: It’s not Ask Us Guy who is attempting to ruin your appetite just before Sunday brunch every week, it’s the readers who send in the questions.

OK, with that taken care of, on to the discussion of rotting, arrow-pierced and bloated animal carcasses.

Let’s start with a dying deer that wanders into your yard. It doesn’t matter if its mortality was caused by a hunter or by a collision with a vehicle or by old age; if the deer or any other critter expires on your property, you’re responsible for dealing with it.

“But if you find one with an arrow or bullet hole, it might be…

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