If you’re someone who likes to toss back caffeinated beverage after caffeinated beverage, you may be starting to notice an uncomfortable side effect.

We’ll preface this by saying most drinks are fine for you to consume in moderation, but, if you’re drinking cups on top of cups of coffee, tea, and soda throughout the day, medical experts say, you could be seriously upping your risk of acid reflux and heartburn. (Related: The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.)

New guidelines suggested in a research letter published by JAMA recommend lifestyle changes that you can make to lower your risk of gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). GERD’s main symptoms include acid reflux and heartburn, so hardcore coffee drinkers might want to scale back. The letter also suggests consuming no more than two cups of coffee, tea, or soda per day.

As the research letter’s lead author, Raaj S. Mehta, MD, a gastroenterology fellow at the…

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